The happiness and excitement of pregnancy is often overshadowed by physical side effects that can make daily life more difficult. For most women, first trimester is marked with nausea and exhaustion. If you're like many other women, however, physical side effects will last throughout almost all of the pregnancy in some way. Unfortunately, traditional medications are often too harsh on the digestive system, so you'll need to talk to your OB and a compounding pharmacy to design a different version of medications that you can tolerate. 

Medication #1: Liquid Anti-Nausea Medications

It's normal to feel a bit of nausea or even experience vomiting in your first trimester. This becomes a problem, however, if you're so nauseated that you're becoming dehydrated, losing large amounts of weight, or unable to manage your daily activities. 

While some women can make dietary changes to help with their nausea, other women need prescription anti-nausea medications from their OB. Depending on the extent of your nausea and vomiting, your OB will either prescribe the medication to be taken daily or as needed. 

If you've been having trouble keeping food and pills down, talk to your OB about liquid anti-nausea medication, such as ondansetron. Although these medications were originally created for cancer patients, they've been found safe for pregnant women experiencing extreme nausea and vomiting. A compounding pharmacy can concoct a liquid version of the same medication that you can take with a safe dosage without affecting your pregnancy. 

Medication #2: Gentle Laxatives

Although liquid anti-nausea medications will save you from the perils of heaving and vomiting throughout your day, one of the side effects is typically constipation. Constipation is already a struggle for many pregnant women due to dietary changes, multivitamins with iron, and hormonal changes. If you add a prescription anti-nausea medication to the mix, you might find yourself straining more than you were vomiting. 

Polyethylene glycol laxatives are safe during pregnancy and easy on the stomach. Double check with your OB to ensure you don't have any contraindications, such as an intestinal blockage. These laxatives come in a powder form and can be added to any liquid, which is helpful if water makes you nauseated. The medication works by drawing liquid into your intestinal track, loosening stool without pushing it through with harsh stimulants. 

You can continue taking a polyethylene glycol laxative as needed throughout your pregnancy to maintain regularity despite hormonal and dietary limitations. 

Medication #3: Daily Vitamins

You know the importance of taking a daily prenatal vitamin, but most prenatal vitamins come with two major problems: they're constipating and nauseating. Pay a visit to your pharmacist to see what he or she recommends if you're struggling with your current vitamin. 

Gummy vitamins are available, but some don't have as much iron as you'll need. Your pharmacist will be able to guide you through additional supplements you might need, such as a gentle iron supplement on top of your gummy. For example, iron supplements that contain ferrous sulfate are far more easily digested than other types of iron supplements. This makes them more effective at maintaining your iron levels, and it also helps prevent you from becoming constipated. 

You might have expected to pregnancy to be nothing but glowing and rubbing your new baby bump, but you might be experiencing far more side effects that put a damper on your excitement. If you're experiencing nausea, vomiting, or constipation, talk with your OB and pharmacist. They can help you come up with a medication regimen that will help get your back to normal. A combination of liquid anti-nausea medication, polyethylene glycol laxatives, and gentle daily vitamins will help you stay healthy during your pregnancy. For more ideas, consult an apothecary or visit websites like
