Moles are dark spots that look similar to freckles, yet they are often larger. In addition, most moles are raised from the skin, which means you can usually feel them when you rub your finger over them. Moles are not typically dangerous for your health, but they can be if they turn cancerous. They can also be embarrassing to have. If you are interested in getting a mole removed, you might want to look into one of these two options.

Mole Shaving

One method is called mole shaving. This method can be used for moles on most parts of the body, but it is not always suitable for all moles. It tends to work well for moles that are:

  • Relatively small
  • Noncancerous
  • Raised from the skin

Before you can try this method, you will need to go to a dermatologist to have the mole examined. Dermatologists are good at identifying moles that might be cancerous, and they can usually do this simply by examining them. If they cannot tell from a basic examination, they may perform a biopsy before proceeding.

A biopsy is a standard procedure used for a variety of reasons, and it is commonly used with moles. During a biopsy, the doctor will remove a small sample of the mole and send it to a lab. The lab will test it to determine if it is cancerous or not. As long as the mole is not cancerous and meets the other necessary conditions, the doctor might agree to shave it off for you.

Shaving a mole is the best method to use if you want to avoid having a scar. The doctor will begin by numbing the area where the mole is located. He or she will then take a surgical knife or razor and use it to scrape the mole off. This method will not require stitches, because it will not cut past the normal layer of your skin.

One of the risks involved with mole shaving is the mole might return. Because shaving does not remove the entire mole, the mole could return over time.

Surgical Excision

If shaving the mole is not an option, your doctor might recommend using a method called surgical excision. This method is more involved than shaving, but it is suitable for almost any type of mole you may have—big or small. This method is also the method used if the mole is cancerous.

Before it is used, the doctor will perform a biopsy to find out if the mole is cancerous. If cancer is detected, the doctor may perform additional tests to determine if the cancer is affecting other parts of the skin or body.

Surgical excision involves cutting out the mole from the skin. Not only will the doctor remove the surface of the mole, but he or she will also remove any skin under or around it that could be affected by the cancer. Because it may require removing a decent size piece of skin, you will most likely need to have stitches afterwards. Whenever doctors use stitches to close up wounds, there will be scars. The scarring may fade over time, but it will probably never go away completely.

This procedure will require anesthesia, but it can usually be completed in a doctor's office or outpatient center at a hospital.

If you are tired of having moles or if you are worried that your moles might be cancerous, you should go to sites run by medical experts to schedule an appoint to have them checked. A doctor can help you find the answers you are looking for and will be able to perform mole removal to help you get rid of all your unwanted moles.
