It's okay to become excited when you find out that you're pregnant. However, don't let the excitement cause you to forget that there is a very important thing that you must do right after learning you're going to be a mom. You must immediately make an appointment with your obstetrician or other physician to establish your first appointment of many that you will have during your 9-month pregnancy journey. Complications can arise during pregnancies, but your appointments ensure that any complications will be addressed right away. So benefit your pregnancy with prenatal care.

What To Expect From Your Appointments

Your obstetrician will measure the size of your belly.  Measurements indicate how your fetus is growing. Ultrasound technology is used to track your baby's growth and overall development. You'll be given regular ultrasound measurements. Your medical and family history as well as your age will account for tests that you will undergo while being pregnant.

First Pregnancy Visit

You'll be asked questions about your current health as well as any medical conditions that you have. Prepare to be asked when was your last menstrual period. That information helps your doctor to estimate the age of your pregnancy. You'll also undergo a pelvic examination. Blood tests will be done, and your complete blood count allows your physician to check for any infections or abnormalities that could affect your fetus. Your diet and lifestyle will also be discussed.

Eating Proper Diets For You And Baby

You should follow the diet that your doctor suggests you eat during your pregnancy since you're not only feeding yourself but also the baby inside you. You do not need to overeat because you're feeding the baby. It's the type of food that you eat that gives the growing baby all the nutrients it needs to thrive and stay healthy. Your doctor will give you a diet sheet of food items you should eat and drink during your pregnancy.

Alpha-fetoprotein Levels

Your baby secretes alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels during your pregnancy's second trimester. The levels of this substance are checked by your physician to determine whether your fetus has developed any complications such as Spina Bifida or Down Syndrome. This test also may point to a multiple pregnancy.

Massage During Your Pregnancy

Massage has proved effective for multiple health purposes, including for helping blood flow during your pregnancy. Modern investigation and research reportedly show that prenatal massage therapy is an instrumental ingredient that enhances women's prenatal care and that it should be considered as an integral part of prenatal care. Ask your physician about how massage could benefit your pregnancy experience. 

For more information on prenatal care, reach out to a physician like Bhupathy Vellore R MD-Women's Medical Group.
