If your family is going on an extended vacation out of state, and you need to board your dog for the first time, then there are some things you can do to make your pet more comfortable during your absence. Even if your dog has never stayed away from you overnight, by taking some simple steps to make sure your dog has everything they need while at the kennel, you will ensure that your dog is happy and safe during your vacation. To this end, here are some tips for first-time dog boarding.
Ask What Items You Can Bring to the Kennel for Your Dog
Before you make an appointment to board your dog, call up the kennel and ask what you can bring for your dog. If you are boarding your dog with a family kennel, then you may be able to bring along your dog's bed and favorite toys to keep them comfortable while you are away. The familiar items and smells will help your dog feel more comfortable and reduce their stress. If you are boarding at a vet's office and they do not allow you to bring your dog's bed from home, then you should ask if you can bring along a blanket or one of your shirts to help your dog feel safe.
Take a Tour of the Boarding Kennels Prior to Deciding Where to Board Your Dog
Before you make the final arrangements to board your dog, you should visit the kennels to make sure that you are happy with where your pet will be housed in your absence. Check the cleanliness of the areas where the dogs are kept and pay attention to how happy the other dogs in their care seem to be. If the other dogs are happy, then your dog will be as well. While there may be a short transition period when you first leave, you can be assured that your dog will settle down and be happy to see you when you return.
Make a Quick Exit When You Drop Off Your Dog
Finally, when it comes time to drop off your dog, do so in a quick manner. Give your dog a big hug and tell them that you will return to get them when you get back from vacation and then leave the facility. Lingering for a long time will make it harder for your dog, just as it does if you drop your toddler off at daycare and then take a long time to leave.
To learn more about boarding your dog for the first time, talk to places like All Pets Hospital Ltd that offer pet boarding services.