It is common to feel panic when diagnosed with breast cancer. You should take a deep breath and take a minute to educate yourself on the diagnosis. It helps to know the specifics of your cancer diagnosis and how to choose the right breast cancer treatment. You should also ask your doctor where you can get information on your cancer. Read on to find out how to treat pure tubular carcinoma of the breast with lumpectomy and radiation therapy.
What Is Pure Tubular Carcinoma?
A sign of tubular breast cancer are cancer cells that look like tube-shaped structures under a microscope. When you have pure tubular carcinoma, it means that most your cancer cells are tubed shaped and not mixed with any other breast cancer cells. This cancer starts in your milk ducts, but can spread to your surrounding breast tissue.
Pure tubular carcinoma has a favorable outcome after getting treatment. These cells are low grade and slow growing. They are less likely to spread to outside to your breast, under your arms or your glands.
Get Surgery To Remove The Cancer
Lumpectomy is one of the surgical options for removing pure tubular carcinoma. It consists of removing the part of your breast that contains the tumor. This surgical procedure also removes some of the normal tissue that surrounds the lump.
A sentinel node biopsy is usually done with this type of surgery. It involves removing one or more of the nodes closest to your tumor to check for cancer. However, your surgeon may choose to not remove any nodes during the procedure. With pure tubular carcinoma, it is a low risk for the cancer to spread to your lymph nodes.
Consider Additional Treatment
If you get a lumpectomy, then you should consider radiation therapy. Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays on the cancerous area to destroy any remaining cancer cells. It is important to have a conversation with your doctor about radiation therapy. Some doctors may not think radiation is necessary when your tumor is small.
You also have the option of getting a mastectomy. This procedure removes the nipple area and all your breast tissue. Some people choose this surgery when worried about the cancer returning. Pure tubular carcinoma has a 15-year survival rate of almost a 100 percent.
There are different treatments available to treat breast cancer. It helps to talk to your doctor about the best way to approach treatment. Check out sites like for more information about breast cancer treatment.