If you're sick of depending on glasses and/or contacts, you may be considering LASIK. This surgery has been around for a while and is incredibly common, but many people still shy away from treatment. If you would like to know more, keep reading.

What Is LASIK?

Ideally, light passes through your cornea and focuses on the retina to let you see the world clearly. However, imperfections often cause blurred vision, such as farsightedness and nearsightedness. These are usually corrected with glasses, but you can choose to undergo LASIK to reshape the cornea to improve how it focuses.

LASIK is a fast and simple procedure. First, the doctor creates a flap in the eye to access the cornea. They then use a laser to reshape the cornea. The flap is then repositioned and will reattach itself during the healing process.

How Long Is Recovery?

Right after the procedure, you should go home and rest your eyes. Your doctor may even suggest taking a nap. Regardless, avoid using your eyes much and don't strain them by reading, watching videos/TV, playing video games, texting, etc. Some patients may see some immediate results, but your provider will test your vision for improvement after 24 to 48 hours.  However, it can take six months or longer for the final results.

During early recovery, you'll want to protect your eyes from any trauma or irritation. This prevents infection, but it also ensures the eye flap reconnects and heals properly. You'll be given eye drops to use to help prevent irritation and promote healing. Some symptoms may include:

  • Eye discomfort
  • Eye dryness
  • Eye itching
  • Blurry vision
  • Sensitivity to light

How Long Do Results Last?

Technically, LASIK eye surgery permanently alters your vision. However, as you age, your cornea may naturally change. Many people with perfect vision start to develop vision impairment as they get older. For this reason, while the procedure is permanent, your eyes may still change as you grow.

You may still need glasses, or you may need to return to glasses at some point. Luckily, you can get LASIK more than once to keep improving your vision, possibly without the help of corrective lenses.

If you want to see without your glasses or contacts, LASIK is a great option to consider. The procedure is incredibly common, fast, and effective. If you would like to know more about LASIK eye surgery, or if you want to schedule a consultation, contact a provider today.
